Low Fat Diet

It's true that a diet high in fat can lead to weight gain. But it takes more than just eating low-fat foods to lose weight. You must also watch how many calories you eat.

Remember, your body stores extra calories as fat, even if they come from fat-free, trans fat-free, and low-fat foods. If you replace high-fat foods with high-calorie foods, like sweets, you’ll likely gain weight rather than lose weight.
To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. You can do that by exercising more and by eating less fat and fewer calories.

What is Low Fat Diet 

If you're following a healthy, balanced diet, restricting your fat intake is generally unnecessary.
However, under certain circumstances, limiting the fat in your diet may be beneficial.
For example, low-fat diets are recommended if you’re recovering from gallbladder surgery or have gallbladder or pancreas disease.
Low-fat diets may also prevent heartburn, cut weight and improve cholesterol.

What to eat during Low fat diet

Low-fat foods include:

  • Whole grain foods – such as oats and higher fibre versions of pasta, rice and bread 
  • Lean meats – such as skinless chicken and turkey.
  • White fish.
  • Reduced fat dairy – skimmed milk and low fat yoghurt and cheese.
  • Vegetables.
  • Lentils.
  • Fruit.


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